Tuesday 11 February 2014

Opening Sequences that influenced our planning- Skyfall

Lots of different films have influenced our planning in making the opening sequence to our film. One of these films is Skyfall. 

Skyfall opening sequence:

This is the opening title scene to the film 'Skyfall'. This title sequence is typical of a bond film. We really liked the fact that it was 'dreamlike' as it has Bond falling into a river, sinking. We thought that this would fit in really well with our concept of going back in time, through the main characters memories. This therefore influenced our planning as we wanted our opening sequence to have this quality. Another thing that we liked about this opening sequence was the fact that at one point, the camera goes right though Bond's eye. We really liked this and thought that it would be really good if we could go through the main characters eye and back into her memories. However, we again didn't have the equipment or experience to do this and so we zoomed right into her eye instead. This worked just as well and had the same effect we were looking for.

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