Monday 3 February 2014

Opening Sequence to Taxi Driver (1976)

This shows the film corporation that made the film 

This shows the name of the actor who plays the main character

We then see a cloud of smoke

As the smoke clears we see a yellow taxi driving towards the camera.

We then see the title of the film as the taxi drives away.

The production companies name is displayed.

The names of the actors are displayed. They go from left to right and overlap each other as the next actor appears.

Before the name of the person who arranged the score appears, we see an extreme close up of a mans face. The colour of the photo changes from red, which connotes danger, to a natural colour.

As the supervising film editor and the film editors names are displayed, we can see outside the taxi where it is pouring with rain. There is lots of bright lights which lead us to believe that this film is set in a big city. 

The person who is in charge of makeup's name is displayed. We now see outside clearly and see lots of bright neon lights 

The visual and creative consultant name's are displayed

The director of photographies' name is displayed

The name of the person who wrote the film is displayed

The name's of the producers are displayed

The name of the director is displayed

We then see the face of the man we saw before again and the movie begins.

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