Wednesday 26 March 2014

Our Story and Idea

Our story and idea have developed from lots of research into finding the perfect opening sequence for what we want to convey to our audience. We wanted to create something that we are all proud of, so we have put a lot of work into making it as good as it can be. We have done a lot of research into different opening sequences to see the layout of other film titles, the design of the backdrop, the colours used and how the titles move across the screen and also what order the titles appear in. Looking at all of the different film opening sequences has been fascinating to see all the different ideas, and we have taken inspiration from lots of different films but then have tried to interpret the ideas in our own way and then include it into our own opening sequence. 

Our key inspiration came from the film 'Mirrors'. We liked the story line a lot, the idea of the people in the mirrors not doing what the people who were looking into them were doing and the overall plot appealed to us. We thought that this idea was perfect for the thriller genre as the thought that your reflection might do something different to you is very creepy and disturbing. We took inspiration from the story and it continued to give us inspiration as to what our opening sequence plot would be about. The opening sequence to 'Skyfall'  gave us also a lot more inspiration, however, it wasn't the plot line to the film that we liked, it was the actual titles. We loved the dreamlike quality that it had, and the way that it zoomed into Bond's eye. This contributed massively to our idea of what we wanted our opening titles to look like. As well as looking at films to gain inspiration we also looked at music videos, which we found very helpful. If there were any particular shots that we liked we looked at them and analysed them and discussed how we could incorporate them into our work. We looked at 'Perfect' by P!nk and 'Mirrors' by Natalia Kills. These videos we analysed closely and there were lots of different themes and shots that we liked and wanted to include in our video. We also looked at scenes from films that we could use and found one from the 'Black Swan'. We really liked the expression on Nina's face when she sees her reflection scratching her back and she isn't. She has a look of pure horror on her face and we wanted to incorporate this into our opening sequence.  

Our age rating that we are setting our film as is age 15. After the research that we did into Film Classification Guidelines we came to the decision that we wanted our film to be accessible to a wide audience range. With the rating fifteen it still enabled us to use strong violence, frequent strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references, discriminatory language of behaviour and drug taking. We felt that this age rating did not restrict us from showing any content that we wanted to show meaning we still had the freedom to do what we wanted. The age rating 15 means that anyone below this age we feel that our film may be inappropriate for and so setting this age means that people under this age would not enjoy it but over this age would more likely.

After all of our research we came up with our idea and decided on what we wanted our story to be about. Our idea is to have one lead female character acted by our friend Miranda. She will be playing the part of a young innocent girl who is being influenced by an 'evil' girl played by our other friend Amy. We will try and incorporate both the side of the girl who has almost been taken over by this 'evil' girl and also the girl that she used to be as she was before. Our aim is to place ideas into the audiences mind and also creating the backstory and setting the plot line to the rest of the film.

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